Deviasana (Goddess Pose), Easy and Simple ▶1:48・
How to do Goddess Pose? | Goddess Pose AKA Deviasana | Yoga Education with Stephanie ▶3:36・
Deviasana {Goddess Pose } Exploration | Asana Clinic ▶17:27・
Devyasana - a postura da Deusa - prática de Yoga ▶1:28・
How to Do Deviasana- Goddess Pose ▶6:40・
Yoga Érika Fraga: Postura da Deusa (Deviásana)! ▶6:33・
Yoga for Beginners: How to do Virasana and its variations ▶3:35・
GODDESS ARMS 3 VARIATIONS - Chair Yoga with Steve Wolf E-RYT 500 ▶2:41・
From deviasana to malasana Deviasana- inhale Malasana- exhale First dynamic then hold, practice 10-15 rounds DM me for online yoga classes @yoga.with.diksha Hare Krishna 🕉️❤️ *deviasana *malasana *musttry *yogateacher *onlineyoga *yogaclasses *yogawithdiksha *dikshayoga *loveyoga *yogagirl *yogaforeveryone | yoga.with.diksha ▶0:19・
Guided SAVASANA/Relaxation 5 minutes ▶5:47・
10-Minute Lead Savasana for the end of your Yoga Practice ▶10:22・
How to Pronounce Sanskrit Poses | Over 30 Asanas ▶27:57・
Guided Savasana: Deep Relaxation for Mind, Body & Soul ▶15:06・
朝のデトックスヨガ(フルレッスン・23分)INVANA ▶23:28・
25 Minutes to TOTAL RELAXATION with Savasana ▶24:50・
10 MINUTE GUIDED SAVASANA | Ebb & Flow Wellbeing ▶11:06・
Samriti on Instagram: "🕉Deviasana!🕉 As the name says it unleashes our strongest powers❤️ It heals your body beautifully ❤️ Inhale center Exhale downwards Repeat 15-20 rounds daily in addition to all the lifestyle changes you are making for a healthy life :) - Timely sleep - Timely wake up - Home made food - A good connection with your food - Your intentions while you eat food - Your discipline towards health - No packed and processed foods - Healthy eating - Exerting less pressure in periods - ▶0:40・
【ポーズ解説】足伸ばし側屈 パリヴリッタ・ジャーヌ・シールシャ・アーサナ ▶9:02・
Are you stuck here in your Prasarita padottanasana?☹️☹️Wanna reach there?😊 Let’s learn together 🤝 ▶1:31・
Lions Breath & Channeling the Fearlessness of Kali ▶3:31・
Guided Savasana (Deep Relaxation Yoga for Anxiety & Stress) ▶11:41・
*deviasana *reelsvideo*exolorepage *yogawithdiksha | yoga.with.diksha ▶0:29・
Hip Opening Yoga Part-1 ▶7:39・
1日1回自分を感じるヴィンヤサヨガ (フルレッスン・44分)INVANA ▶43:55・
Asanaの機能をすべて解説 ▶24:11・
ブッダがおこなった瞑想法「ヴィパッサナー・10日間コース」に参加してきました! ▶15:17・
パールシュヴァコーナーサナ|中級者ヨガ(鼠蹊部や前腿のストレッチ、慢性疲労の回復) ▶2:26・
Yoga For Open Up Our Chakras EP 02 | Yoga For Open Chakras | 7 Chakras And 7 Yoga Poses l ▶12:20・
上級者向け⭐️チャレンジポーズ ヴァシスターサナのコツお教えします♪ヨガジャーナル連動企画 ▶3:46・
Goddess pose (Deviasana) ▶2:47・
【初公開】デヴィ夫人親子インタビュー【突然のダンス】 ▶3:29・
Just 2 minutes of every single practice with proper nutrition :)Deviasana - inhale up exhale downUstarSana - inhale back, exhale centerChakki chalanasana- inhale back , exhale forwardMeru vakrasana - inhale center, exhale sidesAnd let me know how it goesSo ya! Let me know if any questions are there? | Yoga with muskan | Facebook ▶2:01・
4K 伝説の予感 ウニアン 女子大学生 浅草サンバカーニバル 2023 Japanese Samba 삼바 桑巴舞 แซมบ้า ▶5:35・
Calculating Mean, Median, Mode, & Standard Deviation in Excel ▶0:18・
Deviasana🕉️Also know as, Goddess Pose to connect with the energy and power of the divine feminine. Practicing this pose can help women to tap into their own inner strength and wisdomHow to Perform?•with your feet about 3-4 feet apart, with toes pointing outwards at a 45-degree angle.•Inhale Up & exhale bend your knees deeply•Hold the pose for 5-10 deep breaths•Perform 5-10 rounds daily✅strengthen the legs, hips, glutes, and lower back muscles.✅Easing menstrual cramps help to release tension in ▶19:55・
「プルヴォッターナーサナ(東側を強く伸ばすポーズ)」怪我をしないための5つのポイント ▶16:21・
【ダビスタ3】攻略 *20【最強!!バビザダイヤモンド】 ▶3:35・
チームとファンをつなぐ架け橋でCS進出!DeNAオフィシャルパフォーマンスチームdiana(ディアーナ) ▶24:11・
Asana 日本語デモ動画 ▶13:56・
【出川ガール登場】仲良し谷まりあちゃんとデヴィ夫人コラボASMR ▶2:29・
【女性観インタビュー】デヴィ夫人が考える"女性と仕事"とは? ▶11:05・
キツさも楽しんで!ナバーサナの流れとポイントを解説 ▶3:32・
Dejavina (Japanese ver.) ▶7:09・
【夫人ラララライ体操初挑戦!?】デヴィ夫人with藤崎マーケット ▶1:51・
【女性観インタビュー】デヴィ夫人が考える美しい女性とは? ▶16:08・
マナダイバーの『リヴァイアサン・ミニステル』がとんでもなく強い話。これ、ガチです【グラブル】 ▶4:15・
【三原色/YOASOBI】座ったまま楽しく背中美人目指そぉお〜! ▶6:16・
【夫人都市伝説①】デヴィ夫人の都市伝説を本人に聞いてみた! ▶9:36・
デヴィ夫人、ライバルはイモト「やりたいことみんなやってる」 ▶2:24・
How To Do Goddess Pose |Yoga With Archana Alur | A Step By Step Guide To Devi Asana |Utkata Konasana ▶2:41・
How to do Upavistha Konasana - Wide Angle Seated Forward Bend ▶8:27・
股関節の効果的なストレッチを取り入れたヴィンヤサシークエンス ▶3:42・
[ルームツアー]絶対に1度は見るべき夫人の写真集 ▶0:46・
Manisha Yadav on Instagram: "Practice on the mat: Start with Kapalbhati: 50-60 strokes Asanas: Bharadvajasana, Chakkichalanasana, Malasana, Bhadrasana, Setubandhasana, Titliasana, Vayu nishkasanasana, Dhanurasana, Padmasana, Suptabadhakonasana, Shalabhasana, Deviasana (feel free to include other asanas that target hip opening, pelvic and abdominal region) Close with: Bhramari and Yoni Mudra End: 10mins of meditation What’s in my glass? @krishna_ayurved_official She Care Juice which is specially ▶7:56・
【ヨガの基本】姿勢を改善、全身の歪みを整えるポーズ タダーサナ| ヨガ・アーサナ解説 | 藝UeL TOKYO ▶0:18・
Yoga connect with human to human *yoga *yogaposes *peace *deviasana *warriorpose ▶0:29・
One yoga sequence for all kidney problems -Deviasana parsva variants*yoga *deviasana ▶1:35・
How to do Swastikasana (Auspicious pose) | Steps & Benefits | Asana Encyclopedia ▶1:38・
Virendra Kumar on Instagram: "Deviasana Yoga *reels *reelsinstagram *reelsviral *trending *trendingreels *yogasana *yoga *health *healthylifestyle *fit *fitness" ▶0:58・
Practice deviasana for fertility problem *skincare *youtuber *youtuber *asana *deviasana *selfcare ▶0:21・
Irregular periods ? Period pain ? ▶10:49・
TWICEサナ、ファンの質問に神回答!?クリスマスの思い出&憧れの過ごし方を明かす 『イヴ・サンローラン・ボーテ ジャパン アンバサダー就任会見』 ▶5:16・
Guided Deep Relaxation Meditation (Savasana/Corpse Pose) 5 Minutes ▶2:30・
ヨガ 戦士のポーズ2番(ヴィーラバードラアーサナ) ▶4:00・
6 Yoga Poses to do During Your Periods ▶0:15・
Sahithi Baddipadaga on Instagram: "UTKATAKONASANA / KALIASANA / DEVIASANA ✅the mighty goddess Kali symbolises the strength, fierceness and power of the feminine side of the universe . ✅the goddess pose is a powerful and empowering asana which offers a wide range of physical and mental health benefits . ✅it generates heat to the body and improves blood circulation . ✅it also creates more space in pelvis which is very beneficial when giving birth. ✅both men and women have masculine and feminine as ▶0:38・
Understanding Ida Nadi: Restorative Yoga Practices for Balancing Mind and Body ▶15:49・
Samriti on Instagram: "Yoga can work on all the aspects which seem to be impossible most of the times. How? With Patience With Faith With Consistency By respecting your body Now the testimonial which I put here is of a student who took class from me since aug 2023, so healing definitely happened, but over the time. Thats what the entire thing is all about, it happens with a lot or patience and love. :) Note :- Dont over do kapalbhati Deviasana is not for people with severe knee pain and uterus p ▶0:50・
Se connecter à sa déesse intérieure ! ▶7:57・
Samriti on Instagram: "Now what we can do for the same? Doing all the related asanas by imagining the water flowing beautifully in the pelvic region This will help you to release the toxins out of the body and will open up your body for positive dimensions :) Asanas which can be done? All as shown Ashwa sanchalanasana Deviasana Badhakonasana Parvatasana paddling Setu bandhasana Hindolasana Bhujangasana / bhunamanasana/ titliasana / mandukasana ( not shown in this video, can include that well) Do ▶0:23・
Tadasana and Urdhva Hastasana | Back to the Basics Day 1 | Yoga Infusion ▶0:36・
Kavita Pant । INDIA 🇮🇳 on Instagram: "Deviasana is also known as Kaliasana because this is form that Devi Parvati takes in battlefield to kill the demons! And that is where this posture is originated from. The fierceness of Goddess Kali symbolizes the power and strength of feminine energy. On spiritual level, this posture helps to activate Sushmana nadi, when practiced with Kali Mudra. Thus a great practice for deepening the spiritual energy. For physical aspects Kaliasana is a must practice f ▶1:28・
आसन जो पूरे शरीर पर असर डाले। *fit *yoga *dailyexercise *deviasana *thighsfat *sidefat *strengthen ▶0:46・
Standing for long ?? Result Leg pain , Heel pain & Varicose Veins ☹️☹️ Let’s Heal Together 🫶🏻🕉️ ▶0:25・
Greesha Dhingra on Instagram: "SEQUENCE IN ASANAS IS IMPORTANT We all know practising asanas are important. We love practising Surya Namaskars, Vinyasa or Hatha flow. Ever wondered why there is a set sequence in Surya namaskar? Why Hasta uttanasana comes before pada hastasana? It is because the muscles work in association with each other. Contracting one muscle, relaxes the antagonist muscle. This warms up your body really well. Sharing the details of why this sequence? along with some asanas fo ▶1:57・
Joining in the SSOY Navarathri Yoga series. Didn’t get the time to snap a picture each day with the specific colours, so here we go, all poses in a day. 🧘🏽♀️🪷 Day 1. Devi Asana Day 2. Usthrasana Day 3. Urdhva Dhanurasana Day 4. Bakasana Day 5. Sethu Bhanda Sarvangasana Day 6. Viparita Namaskarasana Day 7. Camatkarasana Day 8. Parivrtta Utkatasana Day 9. Yogi’s choice of Asana (Did two of these : Urdhva Padmasana & Side padmasana variation✌🏼) *underconstruction *ssoynavarathri *ssoynavarathr ▶5:48・
YogAhara on Instagram: "✨ Dealing with unexplained fertility or PCOD/PCOS? ✨ Let yoga and lifestyle changes be your path to healing and balance. 🧘♀️💖 Here are some asanas to include in your daily practice: 👉 Bhujangasana - Boosts reproductive health 👉 Dhanurasana - Improves hormonal balance 👉 Paschimottanasana - Calms the mind and body 👉 Ardha Purvottanasana - Strengthens the pelvic region 👉 Navasana - Builds core strength and stability 👉 Malasana - Enhances pelvic flexibility 👉 Baddha ▶0:24・
Leg behind back. Durvasasana. Flexible. ▶0:48・
🧘♀️ Sul tappetino tutto si ferma. È qui che inizia l’ascolto: del respiro 🌬️, del corpo 🌀, del confine fra dentro e fuori, fra prima e dopo. Ogni movimento diventa un invito a lasciar andare ciò che pesa 🕊️, ciò che non serve più, per fare spazio al nuovo 🌱.✨ Ho pensato a questa sequenza: prova a connetterti a queste parole mentre la pratichi e facci sapere se e come ti risuonano 💬.🔸 Tadasana: ascolto 👂🔸 Adho Muka Svanasana: capacità di lasciar andare e cambiare prospettiva 🌏🔸 Utkata ▶23:19・
デヴィ夫人の解体新書【子供時代その2】 ▶7:10・
Deviasana is also known as Kaliasana because this is form that Devi Parvati takes in battlefield to kill the demons! And that is where this posture is originated from. The fierceness of Goddess Kali symbolizes the power and strength of feminine energy. On spiritual level, this posture helps to activate Sushmana nadi, when practiced with Kali Mudra. Thus a great practice for deepening the spiritual energy. For physical aspects Kaliasana is a must practice for women. 👉 Improves Menstrual cycle, b ▶0:57・
𝒟𝓊𝓇𝑔𝒶 𝓀𝒶𝓂𝒷𝑜𝒿 on Instagram: "Deviasana for my dearest devi’s out there. . . . . . *yoga *yogainspiration *yogapractice *yogateacher *yogaeverywhere *yogaflow *yogaeverywhere *yogainstructor *health *healthyfood *healthylifestyle *healthcoach *healthiswealth" ▶1:02・
"SEQUENCE IN ASANAS IS IMPORTANT" Follow @yogaholisticwellness to watch more yoga videos.. Sharing the details of why this sequence? along with some asanas for reference - Prayer: This is very important to set your intention for the practice plus increase awareness towards the body and mind - Joint warmup: As the body stretches in yoga asanas, it is important to send the information to joints about the upcoming movements. Cover all the major joints: neck, shoulders, wrists, spine, hips. knees, a ▶0:22・
【苦手克服】サイドを強化!バランス難しいヴァシシュタを攻略! ヨガクラス図鑑vol.18 ▶2:38・
ヨガポーズ解説(upavistha konasana/ 開脚前屈) ▶10:15・
Greesha Dhingra on Instagram: "SAVE, PRACTICE, SHARE FERTILITY YOGA extends beyond gender boundaries. The journey of parenthood is not limited to women alone; it’s a joint venture for both partners. While women are often advised to prioritize their health and lifestyle during pregnancy – which is indeed important – it’s crucial to acknowledge that both partners equally contribute to the well-being of the future baby. In the practice of Garbh Sanskar, it’s emphasized that pregnancy should be thou ▶31:04・
Greesha Dhingra on Instagram: "MOST WOMEN experience better bowel movements during menstrual periods.🩸 If we understand this hormonally, during periods prostaglandin is released which contracts the uterus to shed blood lining, this contraction also impacts the digestive tract. In Yogic system, this is the function of APANA VAYU - APA:Down, ANA: Movement, one of the 5 vayus present in our bodies. This vayu is usually active early in the morning. If you wake up early, you will see betterment in y ▶0:24・
Kommara Shilpi on Instagram: "Gentle yet effective, these poses are tailored to support you through the beautiful adventure of pregnancy and childbirth. Share this with other expecting moms to spread the positivity! *drkshilpireddy *hyderabad *kimscuddles *gynecologist *bestgynecologist *pregnancyvideo *pregnancyreel *pregnancytips *pregnancy *labor *pregnancyjourney *pregnancyfitness *momtobe *laboranddelivery *pregnancyguide *normaldelivery *pregnancyasanas *deviasana *malasana *sidelunges" ▶0:14・
ヴィラバドラアーサナ(手を後ろで組んだ戦士のポーズ)|初心者ヨガ(下半身強化、上半身の柔軟性を、呼吸をスムーズにさせる) ▶11:27・
『ヴィーラバドラアーサナⅠ|戦士のポーズ①』と『パールシュヴォッターナーサナ』が驚くほど気持ちよくなる方法!|講師:Chie ▶0:07・
【30分リフレッシュヨガ&メディテーション】シンプルなフローヨガ ▶0:49・
Kaliasana, también conocida como la postura de la diosa, es una postura de yoga que canaliza la energía de la diosa Kali, simbolizando fuerza y poder 💪🏻 Es una postura que combina equilibrio, fuerza y apertura, 🔥 es también conocida como Deviasana porque es la forma en la que Devi Parvati toma en la batalla para matar a los demonios, de allí se originó está postura Esta postura a nivel físico es una práctica para mujeres y hombres que deseen invocar su energía femenina divina 🏵️ Beneficios: ▶0:49・
4 essential *yoga moves for women’s health 🌸 Perfect for *pcos hormone balance & overall *wellness ▶0:16・
トリコナアーサナで、なぜ前脚の膝(ひざ)を緩める必要があるの?[ ヨガ解剖学の夜明け |MIKIZO対談 ]ヨガ解剖学講師:内田かつのり先生に「膝|ひざ」についてお話していただきました。 ▶11:56・
Siddhi Jain on Instagram: "Practice deviasana (Utkata konasana /Kaliasana ) daily for better results. Things to remember ⬇️ ✨Keep your back straight. ✨Inhale up and with exhalation go down. ✨Anyone with Hip, Knee, or Ankle injury will not practice. ✨Blood pressure patients will practice in moderation and under guidance. . . . . . @_yoga_abhyasa_ (Yoga videos, Deviasana, Stress Relief, Infertility, Healthy Lifestyle, Wellness, Hip Mobility ) *yoga *yogagirl *yogaposes *yogapose *yogapractice *yog ▶11:31・
Tatwika | Online Yoga on Instagram: "Will you try these out? *yoga *tutorials *deviasana *kaliasana *health *women" ▶・
Shweta Thakur Yoga Instructor on Instagram: "*flow - Deviasana -> Trikonasana -> Parsva-uttanasana -> Virbhadrasana 1 -> Virbhadrasana 2 -> Viprita Virbhadrasana -> Go reverse on same side. ☘️ Repeat the same on other side. ☘️ Do this sequence for 3 repetitions on each side, holding each posture for 5 breaths each. 🔸 Our sacral chakra is the associated with water element which reflects fluidity, love, compassion, creativity. ‼️ If the water element is imbalanced, it also imbalances the energy o ▶・
Yog_with_Soni on Instagram: "Boost your fertility and ease menstrual issues with this quick 10-minute yoga routine tailored for PCOS/PCOD and those planning a baby. From Titliasana to Deviasana variation, these gentle poses target reproductive health, regulate periods, and promote overall well-being. Try it out and reconnect with your body’s natural rhythm! ✨🧘♀️✨ . @yog_with_soni . *yoga *yogagirl *yogaposes *yogapractice *yogapose *yogaeverywhere *soniyogpose *reels *reelsinstagram *trending ▶・
Yogaholic.Saresh on Instagram: "📌Benefits of Deviasana (Goddess Pose) ⚜️It stretches groins, hips and your chest⚜️ *yoga *fitness *yogateacher *yogainspiration *healthylifestyle *fitnessmotivation *yogachallenge *yogachallenge *yogapractice *yogaeveryday *healthy *deviasana*goddesspose" ▶・
10 minutes de yoga ! Yoga Vinyasa - un flow pour se mettre en mouvement ▶・
How to do Visvamitrasana & Vasisthasana ? | Ashtanga Yoga with David Robson ▶・
🇷🇺🇵🇦 🇵🇦🇳🇩🇦| YOGA | 🇮🇳 on Instagram: "Welcome to my PCOS/PCOD series where we learn about asanas that can help improve it! Deviasana, or Goddess Pose, is a powerful yet gentle yoga posture that supports women with PCOD/PCOS by activating the pelvic area and improving blood circulation. This asana helps regulate hormones, strengthens the lower body, and enhances flexibility in the hips and thighs. It also encourages relaxation, reducing stress levels that can worsen hormonal im ▶ >>次へNext
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